We are an investment management platform for national and international institutional investors, offering a broad range of products and a holistic investment approach.


Fundamental family values such as integrity, passion, reliability, sustainability, responsibility and respect form the core of our company.

These values are reflected in the mutual relationship of trust with our partners and investors.

In addition to our clear value compass, we bring the experience of two generations with a global track record and an extensive network to every business partnership.

For a large number of investors, we are therefore the trusted investment manager and fund initiator.









The German real estate market is still regarded as a ‘safe haven’, particularly among international investors. In these times of increased demand for real estate investments, reliable access to product is essential, and this represents a unique selling point. KINGSTONE provides investors with professional and secure access to world-class real estate investments and asset management. With their know-how and network, this is precisely what the Schomberg family stands for.
Dr. Matthias Hubert, Partner Pegasus Capital Partners
For four decades, Bärbel Schomberg has been a prominent leader in the real estate industry, in Germany and beyond. She has been instrumental in the professionalization of the German fund business, not least through her involvement in major industry associations such as the German Investment Fund Association (BVI) and German Property Federation (ZIA). She understands our needs in detail. That is why KINGSTONE Investment Management was our first choice.
German institutional investor
In KINGSTONE Investment Management, we have found the local hub that knows both the world of international investors and the language of the German target market. This gives us the security we need when investing in a foreign country.
International Investor


Managing Partner


Managing Partner


Executive Partner


Managing Partner KINGSTONE RE Opportunity

Managing Partner KINGSTONE Living & Care

Chief Financial

Chief Financial

Head of Product Development & Research

Chief Financial

Head of Product Development & Research

Head of Client Capital

Head of Transactions

Head of Asset Management

Head of Fund Management

Managing Partner,

Managing Partner,

Managing Partner,

Managing Partner,

Managing Partner,

Managing Partner,

Managing Director, KINGSTONE Capital Advisory

Managing Director, KINGSTONE Residential Investments

Managing Partner, KINGSTONE Real Estate Debt

Managing Partner, KINGSTONE Residential Investments

Managing Partner, KINGSTONE RE Opportunity

Managing Director, KINGSTONE Residential Investments

Managing Partner, KINGSTONE Residential Investments

Head of Transactions

Head of Asset Management

Senior Director Client Capital

Head of Product Development & Research

Head of Client Capital

Head of Transactions

Senior Director Client Capital

Head of Client Capital

Head of Product Development & Research

Senior Director Client Capital

Head of Client Capital

Head of Product Development & Research

Head of Asset Management Health Care

Head of Client Capital Germany

Head of Product Development & Research

Head of Transactions

Head of Asset Management Health Care


Senior Finance

Head of Client Capital Germany

Head of Transactions 

Commercial Germany

Managing Partner KINGSTONE RE Benelux

Managing Partner

Head of Transactions

Managing Partner

Managing Partner KINGSTONE Living & Care


Chief Financial

Head of Client Capital Germany

Head of Product Development & Research

Head of Transactions

Head of Asset Management Health Care


Our advisory board provides strategic advice to the management and is composed of highly regarded as well as widely-known personalities from the real estate industry. Each member of the Board offers their broad expertise, a comprehensive network and long-standing experience of real estate investment management to advise and support KINGSTONE IM in matters of strategic development and sustainable business expansion.

All members of the Advisory Board have a long standing track record in the real estate industry and maintain a close and trusting relationship to the shareholders and the management of KINGSTONE IM.


Chairman of the Advisory Board

    • Among other functions: Honorary President of The German Property Federation (ZIA)
    • Honorary President of the German Economic Institute
    • Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Hahn AG
    • former Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Hamborner REIT AG
    • former CEO of IVG Immobilien

Deputy Chairman of the Advisory Board

  • Director Real Estate, Nordrheinische Ärzteversorgung
  • Member of the FondsForum Advisory Board
  • Former Head of Investments for Deutsche Rückversicherung AG and for the Association of Public Insurers (VöV)
  • Former Senior Portfolio Manager at Catella Real Estate AG
  • Former Vice President at Deutsche Immobilien Leasing GmbH
  • CEO & Founder, Spinone Equity
  • Serving in various senior positions for notable family offices and wealth managers (such as Flossbach von Storch AG)
  • Professor Real Estate Management and Head of Institute FS Real Estate Institute, Frankfurt School of Finance & Management
  • Many years of experience in wealth management, including as CEO of International Wealth Management and as CFO Global Wealth Management at Credit Suisse
  • Head of Real Estate, Nordrheinische Ärzteversorgung (Institution of Ärztekammer Nordrhein (North Rhine Medical Council), a corporation under public law)
  • Serving in various senior positions for notable family offices and wealth managers (such as Flossbach von Storch AG)
  • Senior European Real Estate Adviser
  • Previously, Senior Adviser Business Development for international investors at DTZ Investors, and former Senior Adviser Real Estate Development at EY Corporate Finance
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Bärbel Schomberg FRICS

Co-Founder, Managing Partner

Dr. Tim Schomberg

Co-Founder, Managing Partner KINGSTONE Real Estate

Philipp Schomberg (BA, MSc)

Co-Founder, Executive Partner

Sarah Verheyen​

Managing Director

Sarah Verheyen has more than 13 years of experience in the property industry, in Asset and Investment Management and Transactions. Before joining KINGSTONE IM, she spent seven years at JLL and, before its acquisition in 2016, at ACREST in Berlin, where she was a member of the Executive Committee in charge of Acquisitions & Sales in Asset Management. Her track record covers a transaction volume of 750 mEUR GAV. As an Asset and Portfolio Manager, she oversaw properties worth more than 1.1 bn. EUR. Further former employers include IVG Asset Management and STRABAG Property and Facility Services.

In her position as Managing Director, Sarah is responsible for asset and portfolio management.

Prior experience

  • Senior Director, Team Leader AM Acquisitions & Sales, Jones Lang LaSalle Asset Management, Berlin
  • Associate Director, Retail Asset Management, ACREST Property Group, Berlin
  • Asset Manager, Central Asset Management, IVG Asset Management, Frankfurt

Michael von Gruenewaldt

Senior Director Finance

Michael von Gruenewaldt (Master in Business Administration, Handelshochschule Leipzig) previously worked for Exporo, the largest digital real estate crowdfunding platform in Germany. He took over as Head of Finance after the merger with Exporo’s main competitor Zinsland. For three years at Zinsland he worked as a Managing Partner, CFO and COO where he was responsible for finance, legal, compliance and digital product development. Preceding Michael von Gruenewaldt’s time at Zinsland, he worked 8 years for Deutsche Bank.

Michael’s responsibilities at KINGSTONE IM are Corporate Finance, Fund Controlling and Structuring.

Prior experience

  • Head of Finance, Exporo, Hamburg
  • CFO / COO and Managing Partner, Zinsland, Hamburg
  • Vice President, Deutsche Bank, Frankfurt

Markus Mayer

Head of Client Capital Germany

Markus Mayer holds a diploma in economics (University of Regensburg) and has a master’s degree in Real Estate Finance & Investment (University of Hong Kong). He has been working in the real estate industry for more than 11 years. His positions included fund and portfolio management, asset and transaction management as well as fundraising and investor relations at Real I.S., Catella Real Estate and Pegasus Capital Partners. Markus has been Head of Investor Relations at KINGSTONE’s co-partner Pegasus since 2018. Through his previous activities, Markus has extensive market knowledge, profound real estate know-how and a deep understanding of the requirements of institutional investors.

Prior experience

  • Head of Investor Relations bei Pegasus Capital Partners, Erlangen
  • Portfolio manager of open special funds for German institutional investors at Catella Real Estate, Munich
  • Fund manager of aircraft funds and real estate funds for institutional investors as well as for private customers with a geographical focus on Germany, Austria, USA, India, Asia at Real I.S., Munich

Philip Greilich​

Head of Transactions Commercial Germany

Philip Greilich ist seit mehr als sieben Jahren in der Immobilien-Investmentbranche tätig. Bei KINGSTONE IM ist er als Prokurist im Investment- und Transaktionsmanagement tätig und verantwortet den An- und Verkauf gewerblicher Immobilien in Deutschland.

Zuvor war er mehrere Jahre bei LaSalle Investment Management im Bereich Akquisition sowie im Fondsmanagement tätig. Während seiner Zeit dort begleitete er insbesondere Immobilientransaktionen in Deutschland, den Niederlanden sowie Spanien und war Co-Manager eines paneuropäischen Immobilienspezialfonds.

Beruflicher Werdegang

  • Investment Manager für mehrere Fonds / Nutzungsarten bei LaSalle Investment Management, München
  • Co-Manager eines Pan-europäischen Immobilienspezialfonds bei LaSalle Investment Management, München

Ausgewählte Ämter

  • Young Leader Chair München des Urban Land Institute Germany, München (seit 2019)

Witold Bres

Managing Partner CEE


Geschäftsführender Gesellschafter KINGSTONE Living & Care

Paul H. Muno (gelernter Bankkaufmann und Dipl.-Volkswirt) ist seit mehr als 30 Jahren in der Immobilienwirtschaft in den Bereichen Immobilienfinanzierung, Riskmanagement, Asset- und Fondmanagement sowie in der Restrukturierung von Immobilienportfolios tätig. Er verfügt über einen ausgewiesenen Track Record im Managen von großen Immobilienportfolien und über ein Jahrzehnt Erfahrungen im Gesundheitsimmobiliensektor.

Seit Juli 2021 ist Paul H. Muno Geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der KINGSTONE Living & Care GmbH und kann durch leitende Positionen (CEO) für namenhafte internationale Immobilienfonds-Gesellschaften auf fundierte Kenntnisse bei Immobilieninvestitionen, Joint-Venture und Co-Invest-Strategien über alle Anlageklassen zurückgreifen.

Nach Funktionen bei der Deutschen Bank und der Eurohypo (u.a. in Mailand) schließen sich Stationen bei der Oppenheim Immobilien KAG sowie als Geschäftsleiter bei der Commerz Real Spezialfondsgesellschaft an. Für Internos Global Investors baute er das deutsche und europäische Geschäft auf – maßgeblich u.a. durch die Akquisition der Commerz Real Spezialfondsgesellschaft. Er verantwortete dort über zehn Jahre als Sprecher der Geschäftsführung und als Partner der britischen Muttergesellschaft die Entwicklung des Unternehmens, das 2017 von Principal Real Estate übernommen wurde.

Beruflicher Werdegang

  • Deutsche Bank AG, Köln, Bonn, Frankfurt, Mailand
  • Oppenheim Immobilien-Kapitalanlagegesellschaft, Wiesbaden
  • Geschäftsführer bei Commerz Real Spezialfondsgesellschaft mbH, Wiesbaden
  • Head of German Office bei Internos Global Investor, Frankfurt a. M.
  • Sprecher der Geschäftsführung bei Principal Real Estate, Frankfurt a. M.

Ausgewählte Ämter / Mitgliedschaften

  • Mitglied im Regionalvorstand des Zentralen Immobilienausschuss (ZIA)
  • Mitglied der Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS)


Head of Transactions Health Care

Philipp Bach (M.Sc. in Real Estate und Diplomkaufmann) ist seit mehr als 20 Jahren im Transaktionsgeschäft tätig und bekleidete diverse Positionen im In- und Ausland auf Eigentümer- wie auch Dienstleisterseite.

Seit Juli 2021 ist Philipp Bach als Head of Transactions Health Care bei der KINGSTONE Living & Care GmbH tätig und war vorher als Senior Transaction Manager bei der Principal Real Estate GmbH für den Ankauf von Gesundheitsimmobilien in Deutschland zuständig.

Zuvor war er als Senior Director bei Jones Lang LaSalle, Senior Investment Manager bei SEB Asset Management sowie als Portfolio Manager bei Standard Life Investments und Investment Consultant bei CB Richard Ellis angestellt.

Beruflicher Werdegang

  • Investment Consultant German Desk bei CB Richard Ellis, Paris
  • Portfolio Manager bei Standard Life Investments, Paris
  • Senior Investment Manager bei SEB Asset Management, Frankfurt a. M.
  • Senior Director, Capital Markets Transactions bei Jones Lang LaSalle, Frankfurt a. M
  • Senior Transaction Manager bei Principal Real Estate, Frankfurt a. M.


Head of Asset Management Health Care

Sabine Bergmann (Dipl.-Pflegemanagerin, FH und Krankenschwester) kann auf mehr als 30 Jahre Branchenerfahrung in der Gesundheits- und Altenpflege zurückgreifen und ist Expertin in der Analyse und Bewertung von Betreibern von Gesundheits- und Pflegeimmobilien. Sie verfügt über langjährige und fundierte Kenntnisse in der Berechnung der Wirtschaftlichkeit, der Entwicklung von Kennzahlen sowie über Themen des nachhaltigen Betriebes.

Seit April 2021 ist Sabine Bergmann Head of Asset Management Health Care bei der KINGSTONE Living & Care GmbH und war vor dieser Tätigkeit u.a. als Geschäftsführerin für die örtliche Pflegekonferenz der Stadt Hamm (Zusätzlich Psychiatriekoordinatorin für die Stadt Hamm), als Geschäftsführerin für die Geschäftsbereiche: Altenhilfe und Ambulante Pflege sowie als Alleinige Geschäftsführerin im Eigenbetrieb leben&wohnen der Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart tätig.

Beruflicher Werdegang

  • Geschäftsführerin der Örtlichen Pflegekonferenz bei der Stadt Hamm, Psychiatriekoordinatorin der Stadt Hamm, Hamm
  • Heimleitung beim Diakonischen Werk Münster e.V. (DWM), Münster, Geschäftsführerin für die Geschäftsbereiche Altenhilfe und Ambulante Pflege, Münster
  • Stiftsdirektorin beim Kuratorium Leben im Alter (KWA), Bad Dürrheim
  • Alleinige Geschäftsführerin des Eigenbetriebes leben&wohnen (ELW) der Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart, Stuttgart

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